Religious Trends In English Poetry, Vol 2, 1740-1780 [H N Fairchild] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Religious Trends In English Poetry ...
Romantic Faith 1780-1830: v. 3. by H.N. Fairchild · Hardcover. Romantic Faith 1780-1830: v. 3. Hardcover. Protestantism and the Cult of Sentiment 1700-1740: ...
Editor for This Issue H. N. Fairchild. We were much impressed last night with the violence of the wind, and wej noticed that the netting on the baseball' j ...
Editor for This Issue H. N. Fairchild. SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1914. Boar's Head is to be congratulated upon its booklet, published today, of poems by students at ...
CITATION FOR NEW YORKER; H.N. Fairchild Honored for Gallantry in Action In France. https://www.nytimes.com/1931 ...
Title, The Noble Savage: A Study in Romantic Naturalism. Author, H. N. Fairchild. Edition, reprint. Publisher, Russell, 1955.
The first volume of Professor Fairchild's study of the history of religious sensibility as reflected in poetry appeared twenty-five years ago. He had set out to ...
Books by author H.N. Fairchild · Religious Trends in English Poetry. H.N. Fairchild | Columbia University Press, 1942 · Religious Trends in English Poetry. H.N. ...
The Japanese Imperial Institution in the Tokugawa Period. Herschel Webb, H. N. Fairchild. 4.00. 1 rating0 reviews. Want to read. Buy on Amazon.
The Noble Savage ,1962. The Myth of the Noble Savage Ter Ellingson,2001-01-16 In this study, the myth of the Noble Savage is a different myth.