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inauthor: Henry Phillips from
... Henry \\aUoll.air.Kichanl Ilo.,k.*r, Mr. (J.-or.-e He-' r>ert;an.l Dr. Sanderson. r,y Izaak VVa...m, some at* count 1,1 in.- author ami his xvntiii- L .-; ?-wii.ii's I'ock.-c Aimanac. I.--17. Father Felix, a Tile by the author of ...
inauthor: Henry Phillips from
... Phillips in Canada. She will be absent a number of weeks. Married. May West ... Henry Martin was seriously hurt in a blasting accident at Amherst Ohio, last ... in author* ity for the statement that Mayville is U) have a new park ...
inauthor: Henry Phillips from
... PHILLIPS President of tho International Council and well-known In Mainoi ... in author; Atrs. Thlt Jeti- spti, tvmlsli vrllpi', Kplma Kkt-Ptn. the ... Henry T. Ttnlnpy, KppnkPr of the HOIIKO of Hoprp'senliillVPS! Carrlo Clmpmnn ...
inauthor: Henry Phillips from
... Henry, Mississippi president of oral request through a friend." from waiting ... Phillips. 38. a lawyer and forforington syndicated columnist and These ..are ... in author. .'* most likely for East-West agreecent Lake area over ...
inauthor: Henry Phillips from
... Phillips, of Ossiau, is in the city the guest of the Rock sisters. Miss Alta ... In- author. In any event. last Warsaw, sends us ;i sample by. carpets ... Henry G. Thayer, which takes place to-day. Mrs. J. L. Weaver, who has been.
inauthor: Henry Phillips from
... in author ho hnd extensive acquaintance with fllstltiffulslifld men many ... Phillips Exeter Academy In a year and a half and entered Harvard In 1«TT ... Henry Wads- worth Longfellow," "King's Handbook of Cincinnati" and numerous ...
inauthor: Henry Phillips from
... Phillips Oppenheim -ms in, AUTHOR OF OF "THE AVENGER rrr. 'l IT ".•••:• " "'•' '•'"•" "-"I" took the card from the ... Henry Rochester. Now you are here you shall was the truth?" "It was," he answered. She drew back, shuddering ...
inauthor: Henry Phillips from
... in "Author: Author!' tho llfth f the film version 01* Charles 13 ... Henry Mc- Kae will direct. Klttj Gordon, the -platiiostjuo British beauty of ... Phillips Frank Crane, of the World Flln forces, has begun the production in ...
inauthor: Henry Phillips from
... in author Kevin Phillips' phrase, his is the conservatism of the Grand Rapids Furniture manufacturers. It is a ... Henry Kissinger cast America's lot with the guerrillas of Marxist Mozambique against the pro-Western Government of ...
inauthor: Henry Phillips from
... in Author Land, by Fanny Forester. Greece and thfl Greeks, 2 vols, by Perdicares ; Over Ihe Ocean, by a Lady of N. Y. Moi.lezuma, a Romance by E. Maturin ; The Eternal, by Robert Phillips ... Henry Ramsay, E, Dakin, John MurJocI;, The ...