... in Author. HARNED , Bedell Holmes : to Broker ; b . Stamford , Conn . , July 27 , 1878 ; S. Samuel Walker and Caroline Amelia ( Holmes ) Harned ; ed . Columbia Grammar Sch . , and entered Columbia Coll . Sec . Frank Jay Gould . Sec . and ...
... E. STERLING , Manager , 231-232 Exchange Building , Kansas City , Mo. OHIO ... daily papers of Minneapo lis and were erroneously construed by some of them ... jay , And how to sketch a horsie in a little pic- ture frame , But ...
... E. Lee . Colonel Knight Col. Peter O. Knight deserves the gratitude and ... Daily Times September 3rd that " Citrus ' Change Audit is asked ... Jay Burns , Junior , Di- rectors of the Florida Citrus Ex- Their failure to join the ...
Robert Walsh, Eliakim Littell, John Jay Smith. grace . It was only the Jonsonian shape of it he thought a fair ... daily for . London and wrote plays , went back to Stratford , made tunes . Into what wonderful secrets do they not ...