... In author of a work which bears his name , let the consequences of the avowal be what they might ? He either wrote it , or he did not write it . If the former , the slightest hesitation in answering affirmatively was a " subterfuge ...
... John Bull and his Island , ' to which it is the companion volume . " John Bull's Womankind . By Max O'Rell , IN Author of " John Bull and His Island . " First Edition , Twenty - five Thousand . LONDON : Field & Tuer , The Leadenhall ...
... in author's possession). 67 supervisors doubling as test subjects: Commanding Officer, U.S. Naval Subma- rine Base ... John C. Bull Jr., “Project Genesis I Phases C and E: General Consideration of Helium as an Inert Component of a ...
... in author- ship ) influence upon Gulliver . Arbuthnot had dramatized the politics of the War of the Spanish Succession in an animal fable with John Bull as the innocent hero . Gulliver's voyage to Lilliput is an analogous treatment of ...
... John Bull addicted to scares various plans , 318 ; failure of the Channel Tunnel Bill - the effect of a joke , 319 ; King Edward's disapproval of , 321 Charteris , Allen , 76 Chartists , rising of , in 1848 , 10 Childers , Mr , letter ...
... in author's collection . 48. Henry W. Holcombe , Patent Medicine Tax Stamps ( Lawrence , Mass .: Quarterman , 1979 ) , 68-70 ; Richard F. Riley , " New Historical Light on Dr. John Bull , " American Philatelist 88 ( 1974 ) : 142-44 ...
... John Bull . ORIENTAL and WESTERN SIBE RIA : a Narrative of SEVEN YEARS ' TRAVELS in SIBERIA , MONGOLIA , the KHIRGIS ... in Author of ' May Hamilton . ' 2 vols . " Aitale of considerable power , managed with remarkable skill ...
... John Bull . ful writer , Mr. Crowe has none of the turgid rhetoric of Alison ; he is always close and full of matter ... IN Author of ' The Queens of England . ' Post 8vo . 10s . 6d . CANADA WEST . Edited by AGNES STRICKLAND , XIII ...
... John Bull . ORIENTAL and WESTERN SIBE- RIA : a Narrative of SEVEN YEARS ' TRAVELS in SIBERIA , MONGOLIA , the ... in Author of May Hamilton . ' 2 vols . " A tale of considerable power , managed with remarkable skill . " ALSO ...
... JOHN BRUCE NORTON , Esq . , ' Barrister - at - Law , Madras , Author of The Rebellion in India . ' Richardson ... Bull This is a very interesting story . adorns its pages . " - Sun . Unusual talent This is a very good story , very ...