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inauthor: John Campbell Baron Campbell from
... Campbell ginians , My Partner , The White Slave , Fairfax , and other ... JOHN , LORD CAMPBELL , of Eng- land , was the son of Dr. George Camp- born ... Baron Campbell of St. Campbell ( kam'el ) , ALEXANDER , born Andrews . Some ...
inauthor: John Campbell Baron Campbell from
This book attempts to make the true nature of the war clearer to readers, emphasising how hard fought it was during major operations.
inauthor: John Campbell Baron Campbell from
... Robert de La Salle ; Robert Edwin Peary Famous frontiersmen and heroes of the border . '13 Page $ 1.50 923 Contents : Daniel Morgan ; James Harrod ; Robert McLellan ; Colonel Benjamin Logan ; George Rogers Clarke ; John Slover ; Lewis ...
inauthor: John Campbell Baron Campbell from
... Robert de La Salle ; Robert Edwin Peary Famous frontiersmen and heroes of the border . '13 Page $ 1.50 923 Contents : Daniel Morgan ; James Harrod ; Robert McLellan ; Colonel Benjamin Logan ; George Rogers Clarke ; John Slover ; Lewis ...
inauthor: John Campbell Baron Campbell from
... Baron Cuvier , together with 40 pages of superior Letter - press . 7 : 1 London : Grieves , Henderson & Co. 6 , Red ... JOHN LEITCH , Esq . With a Preface by the Rev. F. D. MAURICE , M.A. Vol . I. post Svo . cloth , 108. 6d . To be ...
inauthor: John Campbell Baron Campbell from
... Baron Munchausen , illustrated by A. Crowquill Master Tyll Owlglass ... ( John ) Biography Mudie's Felonry of New South Wales & c . Bent's ( A ... Campbell's Balmerino and its Abbey Edgar's Old Church Life in Scotland . 1st series ...