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inauthor: Mrs. Markham from
... Mrs MARKHAM'S HISTORY of ENGLAND . Tenth Edition , THREE EXPERIMENTS of LIVING ; viz . 2 vols . 12s . 2. Mrs ... in Author of the " Encyclopædia of Geography , " with New Views , Maps , dc - KEY , 94 . INTRODUCTION to the above ...
inauthor: Mrs. Markham from
... in author- ity or otherwise , and I say this not abating one iota of ... Mrs. THOMAS J. PRESTON , Jr. Princeton , N. J. Mrs. CHARLES S. FAIRCHILD ... MARKHAM , Cincinnati , Ohio Mrs. C. H. DAVIS , Washington , D. C. Mrs. RUFUS ...
inauthor: Mrs. Markham from
... Markham for the Hakluyt Society . Fremantle ( Francis ) , A Traveller's ... Mrs. Gilchrist , 851. Carlyle , five short autograph notes , 367 . Mrs ... in author's handwriting , 407. Leaf from Log - Book of Capt . Cook's Second ...
inauthor: Mrs. Markham from
... author is best shown by two and that he read dangerous French books ... In author prints for the benefit of students ficiency of common sensibility ... Mrs. Markham in her once popular History of France , to arouse interest in ...
inauthor: Mrs. Markham from
... MRS . G. P. EVERETT GREEN ; comprising the Memoirs of Mary Tudor , third daughter of Henry VII . , and Elizabeth ... MARKHAM , 32nd Regiment . 8vo . with numerous Illustrations , 218 . X. MEMOIRS of the COURT and CABINETS of GEORGE ...
inauthor: Mrs. Markham from
... Mrs. Gilchrist , 851. Carlyle , five short autograph notes , 361 . Mrs ... in author's handwriting , 401. Leaf from Log - Book of Capt . Cook's Second ... Markham for the Hakluyt Society . Fremantle ( Francis ) , A Traveller's ...
inauthor: Mrs. Markham from
... Mrs. Meynell's Two Books of Essays " - Original Autograph MS . on early un ... Markham " - 19 , 913 MS . Poem , " The gold that grew by Shasta town " - 21 ... in author's hand , but with numerous autograph correc- tions , etc ...
inauthor: Mrs. Markham from
... Markham . From this Mr. Buckley quotes largely , carrying down the figures ... in author notices the great outlines of the geolo- Bad Times , Good ... Mrs. adapted for school and class reading . Some- Brassey's charming Voyage ...
inauthor: Mrs. Markham from
... MARKHAM ; in prep . Vol . i . Offic . Docums . rel . to fleet comm . by Ld ... Mrs. [ wife ] CLIVE , Lord [ 1725-1774 ] . Chesney , Miss [ dau . ] Life of ... In author's opinion a soldier is much better off now than he was ...
inauthor: Mrs. Markham from
... Markham Building , Holly- wood , Calif . , U. S. A. KELLY , Dr. Wm ... in Author , Co - Editor , " Zum Haskell , M.D. , N.D. , etc. Prominent leader ... Mrs. Agnes .. Author , Lecturer . LEAVITT , C. Franklin , M.D. cal Courses ...