Samuel Austin Allibone was an American author, editor, and bibliographer. Wikipedia
Born: April 17, 1816, Philadelphia, PA
Died: September 2, 1889 (age 73 years), Lucerne, Switzerland
A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors
A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors - Scholar's Choice Edition
The Union Bible Companion: Containing the Evidences of the Divine Origin, Preservation, Credibility, and Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures; an Account of Various Manuscripts and English Translations, All the Books, and the Chief Doctrines, of the Bible; and Plans of Christian Work: with a Copious Analytical Index
A critical dictionary of English literature, and British and American authors living and deceased
New Themes Condemned: Or, Thirty Opinions Upon "New Themes" and Its "Reviewer" with Answers to 1. "Some Notice of A Review by a Layman. 2. Hints to a Layman. 3. Charity and the Clergy."
A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors: Living and Deceased from the Earliest Accounts to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century. Containing Thirty Thousand Biographies and Literary Notices, with Forty Indexes of Subjects