... Landor . Well then , we differ on the spelling of honour , favour , etc. You would retain the u : I would reject it , for the sake of consistency . We have dropt it in author , emperor , ambassador . Here again , for consistency and ...
... Landor . Well then , we differ on the spelling of honour , favour , etc. You would retain the u : I would reject it , for the sake of consistency . We have dropt it in author , emperor , ambassador . Here again , for consistency and ...
Walter Savage Landor Thomas Earle Welby, Stephen Wheeler. favour , & c . You would retain the u : I would eject it , for the sake of consistency . We have dropt it in author , emperor , ambassador . Here again , for consistency and ...
... Walter Landor . Well then , we differ on the spelling of honour , favour , & c . You would retain the u : I would eject it , for the sake of consistency . We have dropt it in author , emperor , ambassador . Here again , for consistency ...
Walter Savage Landor. Walter Landor . I found it inexpedient ; since ... Walter Landor . In more essential things than preterites and participles , I ... in author , emperor , ambassador . Here again , for consistency and compli ...
Greek, Roman, Modern Walter Savage Landor. Inconsistency was deviation on the ... in AUTHOR , EMPEROR , AMBASSADOR . Here again , for con- sistency and ... WALTER LANDOR 285.
Walter Savage Landor. Walter Landor . I found it inexpedient ; since ... Walter Landor . In more essential things than preterites and participles , I ... in author , emperor , ambassador . Here again , for consistency and compli ...
Walter Savage Landor. in our church , the sanctuary at once of our faith and of our language . Walter Landor . In ... in author , emperor , ambassador . Here again , for consistency and compli- " " I write " embassador ; because I ...
... in author's Ethnological and philological essays , London , 1855 ; also included in Essays ethnological and ... LANDOR , WALTER SAVAGE , ed . Letters of an American , mainly on Russia and revolu- tion . London , 1854. 96 p . DLC ...
... Walter Savage Landor , describing an imaginary conversation between Samuel Johnson and John Horne Tooke , has the lexicographer ask the etymologist whether the -or in author is masculine . Horne Tooke replies that since English words do ...