Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution: Including a Narrative of the Expedition of General Xavier Mina: With Some Observations on the Practibility of Opening a Commerce Between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, ... and on the Future Importance of Such Commerce to the Civilized World, and More Especially to the United States
Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution, Including a Narrative of the Expedition of General Xavier Mina: To which are Annexed Some Observations on the Practicability of Opening a Commerce Between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans ... ; In 2 Vol
Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution: Including a Narrative of the Expedition of General Xavier Mina. To which are Annexed Some Observations on the Practicability of Opening a Commerce Between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, Through the Mexican Isthmus, in the Province of Oaxaca, and at the Lake of Nicaragua; and the Vast Importance of Such Commerce to the Civilized World
Memoirs of the Mexican revolution
A cursory view of Spanish America, particularly the neighbouring vice-royalties of Mexico and New-Grenada
Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution: Including a Narrative of the Expedition of General Xavier Mina. : With Some Observations on the Practicability of Opening a Commerce Between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, Through the Mexican Isthmus in the Province of Oaxaca, and at the Lake of Nicaragua; : and on the Future Importance of Such Commerce to the Civilized World, and More Especially to the United States