... John Casey , " An Artillery Forward Observer on Guadalcanal , " The Field ... University Press of Kentucky , 1996 ) , 53-54 ; Dod , Engineers in the ... in author's possession ; Mack Morriss , " C Company at Kokumbona , " Yank ...
Cep brings this remarkable story to life, from the horrifying murders to the courtroom drama to the racial politics of the Deep South, while offering a deeply moving portrait of one of our most revered writers.
Whether they tell of him exploring the occult with David Bowie, providing Lou Reed with gritty depictions of street life, or counseling Patti Smith about coping with fame, the stories of Burroughs's backstage impact will transform the way ...
In this tour-de-force, the author of the award-winning "American Studies" tells the story of the Trojan War and Pyrrhus, the son of the fallen Achilles, now working as a go-go boy and hustler in the big city.
... Casey,” 544. My translation from Quesada. 67. Reginald Lloyd, Twentieth ... John Sewell, London, June 8, 1881. This was probably to do with a colonizing ... in author's personal archive, 76. 98. Landaburu, Irlandeses, 59. 99 ...
... author also refers the reader to related British records and to cartographic ... in author Whit- tlesey's basement emerged to light of day in a thoroughly ... John G. Casey Earn Century Awards David M. Sundman , Littleton , New ...
Dorothie and Martin Hellman reveal the secrets that allowed them to transform an almost failed marriage into one where they reclaimed the true love that they felt when they first met fifty years ago.
With the spirit of a teenage driver, a dogged pursuit of the facts and a refreshing point of view about America proudly located in the heart of Flyover Country not Manhattan, he spins the story of his ride with Steinbeck's ghost into a ...