inauthor: Thomas Henry Briggs from
... BRIGGS , THOMAS H. The junior high school . ( Riverside Textbooks in Education ) . Bos- ton , Houghton Mifflin Co. , 1920. 350p . $ 2 . Chapter headings are : The need of re- organization of schools ; The development of the junior high ...
inauthor: Thomas Henry Briggs from
... Henry Holt & Co. , 1922. 423p . $ 1.75 . Deals with curricula , tests ... University tells in an easy intimate style of his life and experiences from early ... BRIGGS , THOMAS H. The junior high school . ( Riverside Textbooks in ...
inauthor: Thomas Henry Briggs from
... in author's possession); Robert H. Briggs, review of Bagley, Blood of the Prophets, downloaded 17 November 2005 from 57 Brigham Young ...
inauthor: Thomas Henry Briggs from
Lennard presents the IMPACT Paradigm—Intending, Messaging, Presence, Attending, Connecting, and Together—in the first part of the book explaining the benefits of using a single framework for all strategic communication.
inauthor: Thomas Henry Briggs from
Drawing on both extensive demographic data and compelling case studies, this book reveals the depths of the educational crisis looming for Latino students, the nation's largest and most rapidly growing minority group.