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Whether you’re older or hoping to get there, this book will shake you by the shoulders, cheer you up, make you mad, and change the way you see the rest of your life. Age pride! “Wow. This book totally rocks.
inauthor:"Ashton Applewhite" from
Perceptive, realistic, and wise, the book is of enormous practical value to both women and men who aspire to more equal and fulfilling relationships."—Laura Day, author of Practical Intuition
inauthor:"Ashton Applewhite" from
The popular guide to quotable quotes returns in a totally revised and updatededition including all-new material.
inauthor:"Ashton Applewhite" from
Featuring a Foreword by Dr. Bernie Siegel, this collection of more than 600 inspirational quotations that empower and enoble, offers courage and compassion, and is the first book to validate the emotional and spiritual needs of those ...
inauthor:"Ashton Applewhite" from
This book of uplifting and inspirational new role models for the millennium pairs lively 40 text profiles with stunning, intimate portraits. 90 photos, 50 in color.
inauthor:"Ashton Applewhite" from
當我們怕老,我們怕的是什麼? 這個年代,是否沒有人能安心變老 為何人們總將老人視為「他者」,而非未來的自己 老化如何從一種自然的過程,變成一個需要解決的社會問題 ...
inauthor:"Ashton Applewhite" from
Mentre la Applewhite descrive e stigmatizza l'ageismo, emergono nuovi modi di vedere e di essere nel mondo.» Laurie Anderson AGE PRIDE! È ORA DI AFFERMARE CHE LE DISCRIMINAZIONI NEI CONFRONTI DELL’ETÀ SONO NEGATIVE E INACCETTABILI. ...
inauthor:"Ashton Applewhite" from
This is a concise & informative A-Z of archaeological eras, objects, sites & technical terminology. It is an ideal reference guide for those who are fascinated by history & the way we used to live. A Brockhampton Press Reference book.