Essentials of Strategic Management, 7th Edition by Gamble, Peteraf, and Thompson presents concise, straight-to-the-point discussions, and timely examples, with a writing style that captures student interest.
Essentials of Strategic Management 6thedition by Gamble, Peteraf, and Thompson presents concise,straight-to-the-point discussions, timely examples, with a writing style thatcaptures students' interest.
This text was written with four objectives in mind: 1) Although relatively brief in length, the text provides students with an up-to-date and thorough understanding of essential strategic management concepts and analytic tools; 2) It ...
Binder Ready Loose-Leaf Text - 9780077462888 – This full featured text is provided as an option to the price sensitive student. It is a full 4 color text that’s three whole punched and made available at a discount to students.
"The standout features of this seventh edition of Essentials of Strategic Management are its concisely written and robust coverage of strategic management concepts and its compelling collection of cases.
Meet Arnbi---your guide on the road to better information. Arnbi has much advice to offer. Usually these are called ARMBisms such as: Too bad, but "simple" is a square peg that seldom fits into the round hole that is our modern world.