inauthor:"Simon Dunmore" from
New material in this fifth edition includes what drama schools are looking for, approaching Shakespeare for audition, professional email etiquette, using the internet as a self-marketing tool, and many more useful checklists and updated ...
inauthor:"Simon Dunmore" from
Fifty speeches from plays frequently ignored, such as CORIOLANUS, PERICLES, and LOVE'S LABOURS LOST are assembled here, plus good but often overlooked speeches from the more popular plays such as Diana from ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL, ...
inauthor:"Simon Dunmore" from
It also includes good, but over-looked speeches from the more popular plays such as Octavius Caesar from Antony and Cleopatra, Leontes from The Winter's Tale and Buckingham from Richard III.
inauthor:"Simon Dunmore" from
Following on his successful Alternative Shakespeare Auditions for Women, Simon Dunmore presents even more underappreciated speeches that will make a classical audition sound fresh.
inauthor:"Simon Dunmore" from
This is an incredibly useful professional tool in an industry where contacts and networking are key to career survival. The listings detailed in this edition have been thoroughly updated alongside fresh advice from industry experts.
inauthor:"Simon Dunmore" from
First Published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
inauthor:"Simon Dunmore" from
This is an incredibly useful professional tool in an industry where contacts and networking are key to career survival. The listings detailed in this edition have been thoroughly updated alongside fresh advice from industry experts.
inauthor:"Simon Dunmore" from
The information in this edition has been thoroughly updated and the companies and individuals listed are expertly selected to offer the very best and most reliable contacts.