inauthor:"Virginia Sapiro" from
The text integrates the latest scholarship and research from a wide variety of disciplines including sociology, psychology, political science, education, history, economics, law, mass communications, and the health sciences.
inauthor:"Virginia Sapiro" from
Written with considerable charm and verve, this book will be the starting point for understanding this important writer for years to come.
inauthor:"Virginia Sapiro" from
This essay examines the ways in which political science, as a discipline, has been influenced by feminist scholarship in the field.
inauthor:"Virginia Sapiro" from
The 1998 Pilot Study focused on examining and improving the methodology used for future studies in the American National Election Studies series.
inauthor:"Virginia Sapiro" from
As such, the experiment examines the differences between the two modes and provides a preview of what shifting to telephone interviewing will mean for the NES time-series.
inauthor:"Virginia Sapiro" from
The 1997 Pilot Study is part of the National Election Studies (NES) effort to develop new instrumentation. Previous pilot studies were conducted in 1979, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, and 1995.